About Us
Wings For Autism strives to establish and run special schools and promote integrated, inclusive education for intellectual disabled autistic persons for advance learning through establishment, maintenance and support of special schools and other educational institution and all or any other type or kind of education including Vocational training, self-employment, awareness through seminars, workshops, vocational courses and other awareness program. Wings For Autism operates on a NOT-FOR-PROFIT basis.
Our Team

Dr Kartikay Saini
An Educationist of repute with innumerous awards and recognitions to his credit,
Dr. Cdr. Kartikay Saini continues his tryst with education to make a difference. A man with a career as a Naval Commander in the turbulent seas guarding the nation, is now at the helm commanding over a sea of children with passion and energy to match it.
An Engineer and MBA by qualification, he is a natural leader, a keen equestrian, yachtsman, golfer, prolific writer and also the Trustee of Special Olympics, India. A multi-faceted personality, Cdr. Saini is not only the Chairman of Scottish High International School but also the R&D Head of Autism Research Centre of India. He has been the key speaker at the World Education Summit, International Baccalaureate Conference, Singapore, ISTE Philadelphia, E-Asia Dhaka, Edulearn Spain, IAEA Manila and numerous other national and international conferences. He is a recipient of many medals and awards like ‘Gem of India award’ in 2004, the ‘Best Citizen Award’ in 2010, ‘Rashtriya Guarav Award’ in 2010, ‘Indira Gandhi Sadbhavna Award’ in 2010, ‘Shiksha Bharti Award’ in 2011, ‘Best Innovation Award’ at the World Education Summit, ‘Ed Leadership Award’ , ‘Asia Pacific Excellence Award’ and ‘ISFI Award’ for his services for the nation.
Cdr. Saini affirms that success is a long enduring process and pressure of work is always a privilege for him. He is a passionate golfer and often says “… Like golf, each day is a new learning experience…”
Mr. Ranveer Saini
Ranveer is a 20-year-old Special Needs Golfer who has won TWO successive medals in GOLF at the Special Olympics World Summer Games held in Los Angeles in July 2015 & the Special Olympics World Summer Games held in Abu Dhabi in March 2019. He is the recipient of numerous awards and honours that include the highest Sports award of Haryana, ‘Bhim Award’, and looked upon as an inspiration in the country, who has turned his disability into a marvel with strong will and determination.
Creating sensation in the world of Golf, Ranveer’s unparalleled feats at the Special Olympics Asia Pacific Golf Masters have featured in the prestigious Limca Book of Records for four consecutive years–(2013-2016). It has also earned him a place in the 2020-22 edition that showcases his TWO spectacular records-
1) Most consecutive Gold Medals in Special Needs category in golf
2) Most Gold Medals won in National and International tournaments including World Games-2015 and Asia Pacific Tournament in Macau, by a Special Needs Golfer from India
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Guidelines :-
- As per Indian Tax Laws, it is mandatory to have full name, PAN Card and address of the contributor else it will be treated as anonymous and will be subject to taxation.
- In case you have a foreign address, we will need your passport copy/ID Proof as advised by the FCRA,2010
- For any queries, write to us on info@autismwingsindia.org
- All Indian contributions made to WINGS FOR AUTISM are eligible for tax deduction of 50% u/s 80G of the Income Tax Act 1961.
Partners :-
If you wish to know more and partner with us, please feel free to contact us at info@autismwingsindia.org
The object of the Trust shall be as follows:To establish and run special schools and promote integrated, inclusive education for intellectual disabled autistic persons for advance learning through establishment, maintenance and support of special schools and other educational institution and all or any other type or kind of education including Vocational training, self-employment, awareness through seminars, workshops, vocational courses and other awareness program.
To undertake, develop, organize, and support intellectual disabled persons with Special Needs and assisting them in unfavourable social and psychological condition including greater sensitivity amongst masses.
To secure legal rights for persons with mental retardation, cerebral palsy, autism and like intellectual disabilities.
To promote interests of persons with mental retardation, autism cerebral palsy and intellectual disabilities by bringing about cooperation and coordination among organizations at State/District level.
To endeavour for bringing about inclusion of such intellectually disabled in all fields of life with the focus on inclusive education.
To create common bond of understanding and action among parents, families, professionals and others concerned with the problems of the above disabilities, throughout India.
To protect all rights of persons with such disabilities and their parents, families, guardians and enabling them to live a life of dignity and enjoy full citizenship rights.
To create public awareness for the same through print and electronic media and through all other means.
To promote, develop, establish and support educational institutions committed in enriching knowledge and help / motivate such intellectually disabled persons to acquire such skills and capabilities and adopt such attitude so as to make them self-dependent thereby developing in them qualities of good citizenship and leadership and who, in turn could impact social changes and help in the development of the nation and public at large.
To create innovative learning institutions / centers for enhancing / developing ability, capabilities and efficiency for such intellectually disabled persons who cannot afford such education towards achieving global excellence through continues education and Research and Development in the field of arts, science, commerce, law and management.
To promote, develop, establish and support Research and Development Centre(s), Educational Institution(s), Training Centre(s), Learning Institution(s), to empower such intellectually disabled persons from economically weaker sections of the society.
To establish, run and manage various courses including undergraduate, postgraduate, adults, distance education, vocational educational courses for such intellectually disabled persons.
To hold, arrange and organise meetings, lectures, talks, discussions seminars, conferences, competitions, research and study visits, tours etc. and other cultural activities, sports and games for such intellectually disabled persons.
To give donations, subscriptions or contributions to any other charitable trust/society registered under Societies Registration Act 1960 or Section 8 Company formed under the Companies Act, 2013 having its object similar to this trust.
To encourage and help any person or institution, carrying on social welfare activities, which are similar to the objects of trust and for the welfare of society.
To do and cause to be done all such other lawful acts, deeds and things according to the object of the Trust.

Call To Action
“If you wish to know more about us, please feel free to contact us:”